Chemical Bonds.. Lesson 3 Unit 4. multiple choice. first question- which is most likely to be part of an ionic bond?

- an atom with no valence electrons
- an atom with one valence electron
- an atom with two valence electrons
- an atom with three valence electrons

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To determine which is most likely to be part of an ionic bond, we need to understand the concept of valence electrons and ionic bonding.

Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level (valence shell) of an atom. These electrons are responsible for the bonding behavior of the atom. Ionic bonding occurs when one atom donates electrons to another atom, resulting in the formation of ions with opposite charges that attract each other.

To answer this multiple-choice question, we need to identify an atom that is likely to donate its valence electron to another atom.

Among the given options:
- An atom with no valence electrons cannot donate any electrons, so it is unlikely to be part of an ionic bond.
- An atom with one valence electron has a tendency to lose this electron and form a cation (positively charged ion) through ionic bonding. This is a possible answer.
- An atom with two or three valence electrons may also form a stable bond, but they are less likely to participate in ionic bonding compared to an atom with one valence electron.

Based on this information, the correct answer is "an atom with one valence electron".