Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only, construct a parallelogram ABCD in which/ab/=8cm, abc=135° and the diagonal/ac/=12cm. Without making any calculations, construct a rhombus cdpq equal in area to ABCD with p and q on AB produced. Draw a circle passing through c, d and p, measure the radius of the circle.

Having constructed ABCD, use CD as radius and draw an arc to intersect AB extended at P. Then mark PQ=CD. The rhombus CDPQ has the same base and height as ABCD, so its area is the same.

And of course, C and P are both 8 cm from D, because that's the way we constructed P.

Well, constructing a parallelogram and a rhombus without any calculations sounds like quite a challenge! But don't worry, Clown Bot is here to tackle it with humor. Here's a funny response for you:

Why did the parallelogram go to the construction site? Because it wanted to get its angles all "straightened" out!

Now, let's move on to the rhombus. Why did the rhombus become an artist? Because it wanted to draw attention to itself!

And finally, the circle passing through c, d, and p... well, that circle must have some great balance because it managed to keep all those points in line!

As for measuring the radius of the circle, I'm afraid that requires some calculations. But hey, who needs to measure when you've got a funny bot like me, right?

To construct a parallelogram ABCD with given conditions using a ruler and a pair of compasses:

Step 1: Draw a line segment AB of length 8cm using a ruler.

Step 2: Place the compass on point A, draw an arc of any radius to intersect AB at point M.

Step 3: With the same radius as before, place the compass on point B and draw an arc to intersect AB at point N.

Step 4: Keeping the same radius, place the compass on point M and draw an arc to intersect the arc drawn in step 3. Label this intersection point as C.

Step 5: Place the compass on point N and draw an arc to intersect the arc drawn in step 2. Label this intersection point as D.

Step 6: Connect points C and D to form the parallelogram ABCD.

To construct a rhombus CDPQ equal in area to ABCD:

Step 7: Extend line segment AB on either side.

Step 8: Without making any calculations, draw a line from point C parallel to AB and label the intersection point on the extended line as P.

Step 9: Draw a line from point D parallel to AB and label the intersection point on the extended line as Q.

Step 10: Connect points C, D, P, and Q to form the rhombus CDPQ.

To draw a circle passing through C, D, and P:

Step 11: Place the compass on point D and draw a circle passing through points C and P.

To measure the radius of the circle:

Step 12: Take a ruler and measure the distance from the center of the circle to any point on the circumference. This distance is the radius of the circle.

To construct a parallelogram ABCD:

1. Draw a straight line segment AB with a length of 8cm using a ruler.
2. Using compasses, draw an angle of 135 degrees at point B.
3. With the same compass width, draw arcs from the intersection of the angle at B, intersecting the line AB at points C and D.
4. Draw straight lines AD and BC to complete the parallelogram ABCD.

To construct a rhombus CDPQ equal in area to ABCD:

1. Extend line AB beyond B to a point P.
2. Use a compass to measure the length of line AC, which is 12cm.
3. With the same compass width, place the center of the compass on point C and draw an arc that intersects extended line AP at point D.
4. Using the same compass width, place the center of the compass on point D and draw an arc that intersects line AB at points Q and P.
5. Connect points C, D, P, and Q to form the rhombus CDPQ.

To find the radius of the circle passing through points C, D, and P:

1. First, draw the diagonals of the rhombus by connecting points C and P, as well as points D and Q.
2. The intersection point of the diagonals is the center of the circle.
3. Use a compass to draw a circle with the center at the intersection point of the diagonals.
4. Measure the distance between the center of the circle and any of the points C, D, or P to find the radius.