I need to determine the value of eah underlined digit and its place value.



It should be the 2 in 42,107,000

4 in 472,336

Please tell us what you think those place values are.


Here's a place value chart that should help.


To determine the value and place value of the underlined digits in the given numbers, you can use the place value chart provided in the link.

Let's start with the number 42,107,000.
The underlined digit is 2. To find its value, look at the second column to the right of the comma in the chart. That column represents the "hundred millions" place. Therefore, the value of the underlined 2 is 2 * 100,000,000 = 200,000,000.

The place value of the underlined digit 2 is the "hundred millions" place, which is 100,000,000.

Now let's move on to the number 472,336.
The underlined digit is 4. Looking at the second column to the right of the comma in the chart, we see that it represents the "hundreds" place. So, the value of the underlined 4 is 4 * 100 = 400.

The place value of the underlined digit 4 is the "hundreds" place, which is 100.

By using the place value chart, you can easily determine the value and place value of any digit in a number.