In a class library, 3 out of 4 books are non-fiction.

The rest are fiction.
a) How many non-fiction books could there be?
How many fiction books?
b) How many different answers can you find for part a?
Which answers are reasonable? Explain.

pls help meeeee right now

a) To find out how many non-fiction books could there be, we'll use the given information that 3 out of 4 books are non-fiction.

Let's assume the total number of books in the class library is represented by the variable 'x'. Given that 3 out of 4 books are non-fiction, we can write the equation:

3/4 * x = number of non-fiction books

To find the number of fiction books, we subtract the number of non-fiction books from the total number of books:

x - (3/4 * x) = number of fiction books

b) There are multiple answers for part a since the question asks for how many non-fiction books could there be. We can find different answers by choosing different values for 'x' that satisfy the equation.

For example, if we assume 'x' to be 4, then the number of non-fiction books would be 3 (3/4 * 4), and the number of fiction books would be 1 (4 - 3).

Another example could be assuming 'x' to be 8, then the number of non-fiction books would be 6 (3/4 * 8), and the number of fiction books would be 2 (8 - 6).

Reasonable answers for part a would be values of 'x' that are divisible by 4, since the ratio given is 3 non-fiction books out of 4 total books. The number of non-fiction books can be any multiple of 3, as long as it is 3/4 of the total number of books.

a) To find the number of non-fiction books, we need to first determine the total number of books in the class library. Since we know that 3 out of 4 books are non-fiction, we can assume that there are 4 books in total.

To calculate the number of non-fiction books, we multiply the total number of books (4) by the fraction of non-fiction books (3/4).

Non-fiction books = Total books x Fraction of non-fiction books
= 4 x (3/4)
= 3

Therefore, there could be 3 non-fiction books in the class library.

To find the number of fiction books, we subtract the number of non-fiction books from the total number of books:
Fiction books = Total books - Non-fiction books
= 4 - 3
= 1

Thus, there could be 1 fiction book in the class library.

b) In part a, we found that there could be 3 non-fiction books and 1 fiction book in the class library. There are no other possible answers, as these are the only combinations that satisfy the given information.

The reason these answers are reasonable is that the ratio provided in the question suggests that the class library has a larger proportion of non-fiction books. Since 3 out of 4 books are non-fiction, it indicates a higher likelihood of finding more non-fiction books in comparison to fiction books. It is also reasonable to expect that there will be at least one fiction book to maintain a balanced collection. Therefore, the answers of 3 non-fiction books and 1 fiction book align with these expectations.

(a) nonfiction is 75% of however many books there are

(b) lots and lots. How many books can a library have?
The Library of Congress has about 39 million
A class library probably has less than a thousand.