Find the decimal notaiton for the fraction -1/17, the decimal notation for the -1/17 is 0.5889 round it the hundreth.

-1/17 = -.0588 = -.06

To find the decimal notation for the fraction -1/17, you can divide -1 by 17 using long division or a calculator.

When you perform the division, the result you will get is approximately -0.05882352941.

To round it to the nearest hundredth, you need to look at the digit in the third decimal place, which is 8 in this case. Since 8 is greater than or equal to 5, you round up the previous digit, which is 5. Therefore, the rounded answer to the hundredth is -0.06.

So, the decimal notation for the fraction -1/17, rounded to the hundredth, is -0.06.