What is the best definition for argument?

a text or speech expressing an opinion on an issue that is supported by reasons

information supporting a claim that can involve facts or quotations from a text

a detailed explanation by an author for why something is true or is possible

how an author explains a topic or an issue precisely

What is the main source of a claim?

the reliable sources the author uses

the author’s personal perspective

the reader’s personal perspective

magazines, encyclopedias, and websites

Sylvia is trying to keep track of an argument she's listening to in a podcast. What is the best way for her to do this?

create an outline

write a summary

identify the claim

look for evidence

Read the following outline.

1. Claim: Secondary education should be free for everyone.

a. Reason1: Younger generations will benefit from no student debt.

i. Evidence 1: Young people can begin saving for retirement or large purchases much earlier in life.

ii. Evidence 2:

b. Reason 2: This would create a stronger and more diverse workforce.

i. Evidence 1: Lower-income students would have the opportunity to pursue a better education.

ii. Evidence 2: More people entering colleges and universities means people choosing a larger variety of majors and skills to enhance.

Which sentence best fits the blank under Reason 1?

Students will not take their education as seriously if they do not have to pay for it themselves.

Existing financial aid systems cannot currently support all the lower-income students who want to pursue higher education.

The money for the increase in people entering higher-education schools has to come from somewhere.

Graduates can take longer to find a "dream job" without having to worry as much about living expenses.

plz help me

heres da answers:

1. a text or speech expressing an opinion on an issue that is supported by reasons.
2. the author’s personal perspective.
3. create an outline.
4. Graduates can take longer to find a "dream job" without having to worry as much about living expenses.

anyways these r right. -gd-✌

1)Which of the following is an argumentative text contain that an informative text does not?

1) opinions

2)which of the following are the steps for evaluating a claim?

A) identify the claim, evaluate the evidence and reasons, trace the argument back to the claim

3)which of the following is a good example of unbiased evidence that supports the use of the wind power?

A) The average winter turbine can power more than 1,500 homes

4) most doctors say many people who don't get enough sleep every night struggle with illness and stress.
what kind of an evidence is this an example of?

A) a testimony

5)When evaluating a claim, which of the following would tell you that it is not a good claim?

A) the argument does not come to a logical conclusion

I don't think they understand that

Is no going to help him-her 0-0

i have 5 questens

they're right

4 and 5 is the claim and evidence

thank you christina they are all right!!!

for the connexus students in 2021

Nvm. Cristina was right, the answer is crest and outline. TYSM!