What is an informational text?(1 point)

text providing reasons to support a claim

text providing information with an opinion

text providing information without opinions

text providing information with a claim

What critical skills do you use to identify a claim?(1 point)

analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs

reading; writing; and understanding grammar, usage, and mechanics

understanding how the author feels about a topic

writing an excerpt in your own words to connect to the claim

How do you determine if your claim has substantial evidence?(1 point)

Recognize that multiple opinions from peers will support your claim.

Recognize whether excerpts make a relevant connection to the claim.

Recognize that evidence in magazines or articles is factual and true.

Recognize that social media, television, and radio are factual sources.

When reading an argument, why must you trace the claim?(1 point)

to support the writer’s purpose with your opinion and your information about the claim

to follow whether or not the conclusion leads the audience to agree with the claim

to recognize or identify the claim to understand what the author thinks about it

to evaluate whether or not the claim and the evidence that supports it is valid

What pieces of information do you know to be true?(1 point)





whats the point of giving out wrong answers


Guys! you can't just type the letters: A, B, C, and D.... because they scramble them you have to write the answer out like this (these are correct)

Answer 1. text providing information without opinions
Answer 2. analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs
Answer 3 .Recognize whether excerpts make a relevant connection to the claim.
Answer 4. to follow whether or not the conclusion leads the audience to agree with the claim
Answer 5. facts

Boy i trusted u and got a 0/5 bro stop lying to people

Jhon is incorrect. I can't find the answer or help you guys, sorry. Please don't try to start a fight with me. Just deal with it.

asuna is right, jhon recheck your answers

any connexus awnsers?

What the heck sparkle bino back again there are kids on this app my little brother came up to me and said what does that said

Yeah. I agree. If your going to say something, keep it kid appropriate. It doesn't have anything to do with the question either!