George has $15. He would like to know if he has enough money to see a movie ($9.00) and buy a pretzel ($2.65), a drink ($1.35), and two veggie cups ($1.74 each). George incorrectly used this numerical expression to decide if he had enough money.

15 - 9 + 2.65 + 1.35 + 2(1.74)

Use the order of operations to simplify this expression.

The answer is 13.48

To simplify this expression using the order of operations, we follow the acronym PEMDAS:

1. Parentheses: We don't have any parentheses in this expression.
2. Exponents: There are no exponents in this expression.
3. Multiplication and division: We multiply first: 2 * 1.74 equals 3.48.
4. Addition and subtraction: We then perform addition and subtraction from left to right.

Let's simplify the expression step by step:

15 - 9 + 2.65 + 1.35 + 2(1.74)
= 15 - 9 + 2.65 + 1.35 + 3.48
= 6 + 2.65 + 1.35 + 3.48
= 8.65 + 1.35 + 3.48
= 10 + 3.48
= 13.48

Therefore, the simplified expression is 13.48.

To answer George's question, we need to determine if $15 is greater than or equal to $9 (for the movie) plus $2.65 (for the pretzel) plus $1.35 (for the drink) plus 2*$1.74 (for the two veggie cups).

$9 + $2.65 + $1.35 + 2*$1.74 = $9 + $2.65 + $1.35 + $3.48 = $16.48

Since $15 is less than $16.48, George does not have enough money to cover all the expenses.

multiply first

then +/- left to right