According to the following code. Which option is showing the correct way of creating a list of 10 Circle Objects?

class Point:

def __init__(self,x,y):

self.x = x

self.y = y

class Circle:

def __init__(self,p1,rad):

self.p = p

self.radius = rad

Question 7 options:

None of the options

circles = []

for i in range(10):

point = Point(random.randint(1,100),random.randint(1,100))

circles.append(Circle(point, random.randint(1,10)))

circles = []

for i in range(10):

circle = Point(random.randint(1,100),random.randint(1,100))


for i in range(10):

circle = Point(random.randint(1,100),random.randint(1,100))


The correct way of creating a list of 10 Circle Objects in this case is the first option:

circles = []

for i in range(10):

point = Point(random.randint(1,100),random.randint(1,100))

circles.append(Circle(point, random.randint(1,10)))

In this option, a list called `circles` is initialized as an empty list. Then, a `for` loop is used to iterate 10 times. Inside the loop, a new `Point` object is created with random coordinates using the `random.randint()` function. Then, a new `Circle` object is instantiated using the `Point` object and a random radius. Finally, the newly created `Circle` object is appended to the `circles` list.

The other two options are incorrect because they don't create `Circle` objects and append them to the `circles` list correctly. In the second option, only a `Point` object is created and appended, without creating a corresponding `Circle` object. In the third option, a `Point` object is created and appended, but the variable name `circle` is used instead of `circles` when appending to the list, causing an error.