This is a portfolio for connections academy, you choose a room I chose my room and then give me the model measures of my living room and 3 objects using the scale factor.

Here are the steps I really can’t figure it out
Using the scale of 1 in = 2 feet (model to real) you will convert my room and 3 objects.
(You can NOT use decimals...we would not draw a 1.25in line we would draw a 1 1/4 inch line so you must use simplified mixed numbers if you do not get a whole number.)
Living Room real measure is 20 x 12 ft
Couch real measure is 7 1/2 ft x 4 ft
End table real measure is 30 x 42 inches
recliner real measure is 36 x 40 inches
You will take the room and object real measures and simply tell me the model measures for each.

for each dimension given, to convert x real feet into y model inches, just use the proportion

y/x = 1/2
For example, to convert 20 ft to model inches,
y/20 = 1/2
y = 10

for the smaller objects, you can either convert inches to feet first, or change the scale from 1in=2ft to 1in=24in. So, 30 inches converts as
y/2.5 = 1/2
y = 1.25
y/30 = 1/24
y = 30/24 = 5/4 = 1.25

Or just 2 more please please

Ok so for the living room i got 1.67 feet

And for the end table I got 3.5 ft
And for the recliner i got 3.33 ft
Is this right can you show me please????

To convert the real measurements to model measurements using the scale factor of 1 in = 2 feet, follow these steps:

1. Determine the real measurements of the living room, couch, end table, and recliner.

Living Room:
Real Measure: 20 ft x 12 ft

Real Measure: 7 1/2 ft x 4 ft

End Table:
Real Measure: 30 inches x 42 inches

Real Measure: 36 inches x 40 inches

2. Convert the real measurements to model measurements using the scale factor of 1 in = 2 feet.

Living Room:
To convert the real measurements of the living room to model measurements, multiply each side by 2 to account for the scale factor.
Model Measure: 40 in x 24 in

To convert the real measurements of the couch to model measurements, multiply each side by 2 to account for the scale factor.
Model Measure: 15 in x 8 in

End Table:
To convert the real measurements of the end table to model measurements, convert the measurements to inches and then multiply each side by 2 to account for the scale factor.
Model Measure: 60 in x 84 in

To convert the real measurements of the recliner to model measurements, convert the measurements to inches and then multiply each side by 2 to account for the scale factor.
Model Measure: 72 in x 80 in

So, the model measures for the living room, couch, end table, and recliner are:

Living Room: 40 in x 24 in
Couch: 15 in x 8 in
End Table: 60 in x 84 in
Recliner: 72 in x 80 in

Can you give me the answers to all of them please???