Which text evidence best supports the idea that Squeaky is running for more than just herself?

A. I almost stop to watch my brother Raymond on his first run
B. the white ribbon is bouncing toward me and I tear past it
C. my feet with a mind of their own start digging up footfuls of dirt
D. everybody on 151st Street can walk tall for another year

" ....more than just herself ...."

is related to
***** everybody on 151st Street can walk tall for another year

Of course I have no idea what you are reading :)

To determine which text evidence best supports the idea that Squeaky is running for more than just herself, we need to evaluate each answer choice and see which one aligns most closely with the given idea.

A. "I almost stop to watch my brother Raymond on his first run"
This evidence suggests that Squeaky is showing support and encouragement for her brother, but it does not directly indicate that she is running for more than just herself.

B. "The white ribbon is bouncing toward me and I tear past it"
This evidence suggests that Squeaky is focused and determined to win the race. While it does not explicitly demonstrate that she is running for more than herself, her determination implies that she is running for her personal goals.

C. "My feet with a mind of their own start digging up footfuls of dirt"
This evidence implies that Squeaky is exerting immense effort and pushing herself beyond her limits while running. It might suggest that she is running not only for her own achievement but also to prove something beyond herself.

D. "Everybody on 151st Street can walk tall for another year"
This evidence indicates that Squeaky's victory in the race brings pride and a sense of accomplishment to the people in her community. While it does not explicitly mention that she is running for more than herself, it suggests that her success has a positive impact on others.

Among these options, the text evidence that best supports the idea that Squeaky is running for more than just herself is option C: "My feet with a mind of their own start digging up footfuls of dirt." The phrase "with a mind of their own" suggests that Squeaky is driven by a greater purpose or determination beyond her personal goals.