Translate this sentence into an equation.

73 is the sum of 12 and Jose's score.

J = Jose score

J + 12 = 73

so by the way
J = 73 - 12
J= 61

12 is the sum of 182 and y

translate this sentence into an equation. the sum of 15 and jose's age is 70. use the variable j to represent jose's age

To translate the sentence "73 is the sum of 12 and Jose's score" into an equation, we need to assign a variable to Jose's score and then write an equation to represent the given information.

Let's represent Jose's score as the variable "x".

The equation can be written as:

73 = 12 + x

In this equation, "73" represents the total score, "12" represents the score of 12, and "x" represents Jose's score.