Complete the sentence that describes the expression (5) (x+3) (y+2) Enter the answers in the boxes.

The expression contains ____ factors and ____ variables.

Is the answer 3 and 2 and if not how is this supposed to be solved?

Three factors and two variables, correct

The expression contains 3 factors and 2 variables.

But hey, don't worry, they're just factors and variables, not imaginary friends or secret agents.

The expression contains 3 factors and 2 variables.

To complete the sentence that describes the expression (5) (x+3) (y+2), we need to determine the number of factors and variables present in the expression.

Factors are the quantities that are being multiplied together, and variables are the letters or symbols that represent unknown values.

In this case, we have three factors: 5, (x+3), and (y+2).

Now, let's determine the number of variables. Each factor may or may not contain variables.

The factor 5 does not contain any variables, so it contributes zero variables.

The factor (x+3) contains the variable x.

The factor (y+2) contains the variable y.

Therefore, the expression contains one variable for x (from the factor x+3) and one variable for y (from the factor y+2).

The completed sentence would be:

The expression contains 3 factors and 2 variables.