1. In the story "A Meeting in the Dark", John's character advances the plot and communicates the theme through each of the following conflicts except (1 point)

A)man vs. man
B)man vs. nature**
C)man vs. society
D)man vs. himself

2)What is the central idea of "A Meeting in the Dark"? (1 point)
A) John fails to face his dilemma.**
B) John manages to face his dilemma.
C) John worried about what others think of him.
D) John doesn't get along with his family.

3.Which of the following sentences contains a verb in the passive voice? (1 point)
A) I am very fond of my siblings.
B) In a large vault the diamonds are kept safe.**
C) The carpenter inspected the apprentice's work very carefully.
D) The students looked rather overwhelmed.

I'm pretty positive about my first answer, but I am clueless about the other two. Help me out please? My answers are marked with the asterisk symbols btw.

1. B

2. C
3. B
4. B
5. passive


id think its D for the first one idk about the rest

hes right thank youuu

For the second question, "What is the central idea of 'A Meeting in the Dark'?", you marked option A) "John fails to face his dilemma," as the correct answer. However, to determine the central idea of a story, it's important to consider the overall message or theme that the author is trying to convey. In this case, the central idea of "A Meeting in the Dark" is actually about the importance of facing one's fears and taking responsibility for one's actions. The story demonstrates how John confronts his dilemma and ultimately makes a decision. Therefore, the correct answer would be option B) "John manages to face his dilemma."

For the third question, "Which of the following sentences contains a verb in the passive voice?", you marked option B) "In a large vault, the diamonds are kept safe." as the correct answer. The passive voice in a sentence occurs when the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb. In this case, the subject "diamonds" receives the action of the verb "kept." Therefore, your answer is correct. Option B) is indeed the sentence that contains a verb in the passive voice.