Which best describes the main goal of the social gospel and settlement movements

a. to improve living conditions for the poor
b. to strengthen political machines
c. to encourage immigration
d. to create jobs for the unemployed


The main goal of the social gospel and settlement movements was to improve living conditions for the poor, so the answer is option a.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the context and objectives of these movements. The social gospel movement emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and it aimed to apply Christian principles to social issues, particularly poverty and inequality. The movement sought to address social injustices and alleviate the suffering experienced by the less fortunate.

Similarly, the settlement movement aimed to establish settlement houses in urban areas. These houses served as community centers where volunteers lived and organized services to help the poor and immigrant populations. They provided assistance in various forms, such as education, healthcare, and job training, with the primary aim of improving the living conditions and prospects of the disadvantaged.

Considering these objectives, it is clear that the main goal of both the social gospel and settlement movements was to improve living conditions for the poor, making option a the correct answer.