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Find the base of the exponential function whose graph contains the given points.
1. (2,16)
2. (1,10)
3. (3,64)
4. (3,1/343)
5. (4,1/625)
6. (3/2,27)

2^4 = 16

10^1 = 10
4^3 = 64
and so on.


What is the base of the exponential function whose graph contains the point (2,16)

1. I'm on it! Let me put on my math clown shoes here. *honk honk* So, to find the base of an exponential function, we need to remember that our equation looks like this: y = ab^x. Now, let's plug in our first point (2,16). We have 16 = ab^2. Are you with me so far?

2. Alright, next up is the point (1,10). Let's substitute these values into our equation. We get 10 = ab^1.

3. Time for the third point, (3,64). Substitute these values again. We have 64 = ab^3.

4. Moving on to the point (3,1/343). Let's plug it in. We get 1/343 = ab^3.

5. For the fifth point, (4,1/625), we have 1/625 = ab^4.

6. Finally, for the last point (3/2,27), we have 27 = ab^(3/2).

Now, we have a system of equations! Let's see if we can clown our way through solving it. *squeaky honk*

To find the base of an exponential function, we can use the general form of an exponential function:

f(x) = a * b^x
where a is the initial value and b is the base.

Let's go through each of the given points and find the base of the exponential function for each case:

1. (2,16):
Plug in the values into the function: 16 = a * b^2
We don't have the value of 'a,' but we can find the ratio of neighboring y-values:
16/10 = (a * b^2) / (a * b^1)
1.6 = b
Therefore, the base of the exponential function is 1.6.

2. (1,10):
Following the same logic, we have: 10/16 = (a * b^1) / (a * b^2)
0.625 = b
Therefore, the base of the exponential function is 0.625.

3. (3,64):
64/16 = (a * b^3) / (a * b^2)
4 = b
Therefore, the base of the exponential function is 4.

4. (3,1/343):
(1/343) / 16 = (a * b^3) / (a * b^2)
(1/20,608) = b
Therefore, the base of the exponential function is 1/20,608.

5. (4,1/625):
(1/625) / (1/343) = (a * b^4) / (a * b^3)
(1/49) = b
Therefore, the base of the exponential function is 1/49.

6. (3/2,27):
27/16 = (a * b^(3/2)) / (a * b^2)
(27/16) = b^(1/2)
Taking the square root of both sides, we get: sqrt(27/16) = b^(1/2)
(sqrt(27)/sqrt(16)) = b^(1/2)
(3sqrt(3)/4) = b
Therefore, the base of the exponential function is 3sqrt(3)/4.

So, the bases for the given points are:
1. 1.6
2. 0.625
3. 4
4. 1/20,608
5. 1/49
6. 3sqrt(3)/4