I need these to be checked these to be checked.

What is evidence? my answer: specific information that supports an idea

What is the purpose of reasons in a persuasive essay?
They are ideas used to support a claim.

If they are right upvote this i guess?

They are correct! I just took the test :)

oh thx :) i was anxious and didnt want to get them wrong!

To check your answers, we can refer to reliable sources such as dictionaries or academic resources. Let's verify each of your answers:

1. What is evidence?
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, evidence is defined as "something that furnishes proof" or "something that helps to prove or disprove something." So, while your answer was close, evidence can be more accurately described as information or facts that support or suggest the truth of a claim, argument, or proposition.

2. What is the purpose of reasons in a persuasive essay?
Reasons in a persuasive essay serve to provide logical explanations or justifications for the claim being made. They help convince the audience of the validity and soundness of the argument. So, your answer is correct! Reasons are indeed used to support a claim in a persuasive essay.

Remember, it is always a good idea to double-check information using reputable sources to ensure accuracy.