Which of the following is true about parenthetical citations (select all that apply): *

If there is no author, you do not need a citation.
You must include the author's last name when available.
The citation belongs inside of the quotation marks of the quote.
If available include the page number, paragraph number, and/or the timestamp.

Need the answer

Parenthetical Citations

Author named within the signal phrase. If you list the name of the author, the parenthetical citation need only contain the page number. ...
Author NOT named within the paper. If the author is not named, include his/her last name in the parenthetical citation. ...
No author listed or unknown author. ...
Work has two authors. ....
Work has more than two authors. ...

The true statements about parenthetical citations are:

- You must include the author's last name when available.
- If available, include the page number, paragraph number, and/or the timestamp.

Please note that the statement "If there is no author, you do not need a citation" is not true. In cases where there is no author, it is still necessary to provide a citation using other identifying information such as the title of the work or the name of the organization responsible for it. The statement "The citation belongs inside of the quotation marks of the quote" is also not true. The citation should generally be placed outside of the quotation marks.

To determine which of the statements are true about parenthetical citations, let's analyze the options one by one:

1. If there is no author, you do not need a citation: False. Even if there is no author, you still need to provide a citation. In such cases, you typically use the title of the source or the organization responsible for the work.

2. You must include the author's last name when available: True. In most cases, it is recommended to include the author's last name in the citation. This helps to properly attribute the information and gives credit to the original source.

3. The citation belongs inside the quotation marks of the quote: False. The citation should be placed outside the quotation marks. The citation comes after the closing quotation mark and generally includes the author's last name and the page number (if applicable).

4. If available, include the page number, paragraph number, and/or the timestamp: True. Whenever possible, it is encouraged to include the specific location information like page number, paragraph number, or timestamp to help readers locate the exact source of the information.

So, the correct statements are:
- You must include the author's last name when available.
- If available, include the page number, paragraph number, and/or the timestamp.