Patrick plans to make salad. The recipe

calls for 3 cups of cooked macaroni, 3 cups of sliced oranges,
2 cups of chopped apple, 1 cup of chopped celery, and 2 cups
of mayonnaise.What is the total amount of ingredients?

How is this difficult? Just add up all those cups!

3+3+2+1+2 = 11 cups

To calculate the total amount of ingredients for Patrick's salad, we add up the quantities specified in the recipe:

3 cups of cooked macaroni +
3 cups of sliced oranges +
2 cups of chopped apple +
1 cup of chopped celery +
2 cups of mayonnaise

Adding these quantities together, the total amount of ingredients for Patrick's salad is:

3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 11 cups.

To find the total amount of ingredients, you need to add up the quantities mentioned in the recipe.

In this case, the recipe calls for:
- 3 cups of cooked macaroni
- 3 cups of sliced oranges
- 2 cups of chopped apple
- 1 cup of chopped celery
- 2 cups of mayonnaise

To calculate the total amount of ingredients, simply add up the quantities:

3 cups of macaroni + 3 cups of oranges + 2 cups of apple + 1 cup of celery + 2 cups of mayonnaise

3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 11

Therefore, the total amount of ingredients required for the salad is 11 cups.