I need 3 ordered pairs of points that would be solutions to this equation. Can anyone help please, thanks!

4x - y = 7


All you need to do — as John did — is to to pick a value for X and then solve for Y. Or — if you want to do it differently — pick a value for Y and solve for X.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To find ordered pairs of points that are solutions to the equation 4x - y = 7, you need to choose values for x and calculate the corresponding value for y that satisfies the equation. Here's how you can do it:

1. Choose an arbitrary value for x. Let's say x = 1.
2. Substitute the value of x into the equation and solve for y:
4(1) - y = 7
4 - y = 7
-y = 7 - 4
-y = 3
y = -3
3. The first ordered pair is (1, -3).

4. Now, choose a different value for x. Let's say x = 2.
5. Substitute the value of x into the equation and solve for y:
4(2) - y = 7
8 - y = 7
-y = 7 - 8
-y = -1
y = 1
6. The second ordered pair is (2, 1).

7. Finally, choose another value for x. Let's say x = 0.
8. Substitute the value of x into the equation and solve for y:
4(0) - y = 7
0 - y = 7
-y = 7
y = -7
9. The third ordered pair is (0, -7).

So, the three ordered pairs of points that would be solutions to the equation 4x - y = 7 are (1, -3), (2, 1), and (0, -7).