The stem-and-leaf plot shows kilometers walked by participants in a charity benefit walk. Use it to answer the questions.

a. How many people participated in the walk?
b. How many of the walkers traveled more than 14 kilometers?


To determine the number of people who participated in the walk, you can count the number of entries in the stem-and-leaf plot. Each entry corresponds to one person.

In the stem-and-leaf plot, the stems represent the tens digit of the data values, and the leaves represent the ones digit. For example, if the plot shows "1 | 9 5," it means that one person walked 15 kilometers.

To count the number of people, you can simply count the number of entries in the plot.

To determine the number of walkers who traveled more than 14 kilometers, you need to look at the entries in the plot that are greater than 14. Simply count the number of leaves in these stems.

For example, if the plot has "1 | 9 5 2 | 6 8," it means that one person traveled 15 kilometers and two people traveled 16 kilometers. This would be a total of three walkers who traveled more than 14 kilometers.