What are the answers for the lesson 5 unit 5 (Adding and subtracting fractions) quiz I need to pass

I also need to have it worked out but also the right answers

bruh i need help with this quiz

I'm sorry, but I am unable to provide specific answers to quizzes or tests. As an AI, my purpose is to assist and guide you in understanding concepts rather than providing direct answers.

To successfully pass your lesson 5 unit 5 quiz on adding and subtracting fractions, it's important to study and practice the concepts covered in the lesson. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for the quiz:

1. Review the lesson materials: Go back and review the lesson content thoroughly, making sure you understand the concepts and examples provided. Pay attention to the rules and procedures for adding and subtracting fractions.

2. Practice with example problems: Work through the practice problems provided in your textbook or online resources. Start with simple problems and gradually increase the difficulty level as you gain confidence.

3. Understand common denominators: Make sure you understand how to find a common denominator when adding and subtracting fractions. This involves finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.

4. Convert to like fractions: If the fractions you are working with have different denominators, convert them into like fractions by finding a common denominator. This will allow you to easily add or subtract the numerators.

5. Simplify your answers: Once you've performed the addition or subtraction, simplify your fraction if possible. If needed, convert the fraction to a mixed number.

6. Apply the rules: Familiarize yourself with the rules for adding and subtracting fractions, such as keeping the denominators the same when adding or subtracting, and only operating on the numerators.

7. Seek additional resources: If you're still struggling with the concepts, consider seeking additional resources such as online tutorials, videos, or asking your teacher for extra help.

Remember, the key to success in mathematics is practice and understanding. By thoroughly reviewing the lesson materials, practicing regularly, and seeking help when needed, you'll be better prepared to successfully pass your quiz.

I also need to have it worked out but also the right answers