At a certain store, 48 televisions sets were sold in April. The manager at the store wants to encourage the sales team to sell more tvs by giving all the sales team members a bonus if the number of tvs sold increases by 30% in may. How many TVs must the sales team sell in may to revive the bonus

They must sell 14 tv’s

No, Marshall. Need total TVs.

1.30 * 48 = ?

To calculate the number of TVs the sales team must sell in May to receive the bonus, we need to determine how much a 30% increase is from the number of TVs sold in April.

1. Start by calculating 30% of the TVs sold in April:
30% of 48 TVs = 0.30 * 48 = 14.4 TVs

2. Next, we add this increase to the number of TVs sold in April to find the target number for May:
48 TVs + 14.4 TVs = 62.4 TVs

So, the sales team must sell at least 62 TVs in May to receive the bonus. However, since TVs cannot be sold in fractions, the team would need to sell at least 63 TVs to surpass the required amount and be eligible for the bonus.