Kevin is mixing paint to make orange the ratio of red paint to yellow paint is 3 oz to 5 oz.How much yellow paint should he mix with 9 oz of red paint?

15 oz

9/x = 3/5

To find out how much yellow paint Kevin should mix with 9 oz of red paint, we can use the given ratio of 3 oz of red paint to 5 oz of yellow paint.

Step 1: Set up the proportion using the given ratio:
3 oz red paint / 5 oz yellow paint = 9 oz red paint / x oz yellow paint

Step 2: Cross-multiply:
3 oz red paint * x oz yellow paint = 9 oz red paint * 5 oz yellow paint

Step 3: Simplify the equation:
3x = 45

Step 4: Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:
x = 45 / 3

Therefore, Kevin should mix 15 oz of yellow paint with 9 oz of red paint to get the desired orange color.