based on the evolution of useful things what was the immediate cause of Richard Drew's work with Cellophane

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Based on "The Evolution of Useful Things" by Henry Petroski, the immediate cause of Richard Drew's work with Cellophane was his employer's need for a moisture-proof and transparent adhesive tape.

In order to find the answer to the quiz questions, please follow these steps:

1. Obtain a copy of "The Evolution of Useful Things" by Henry Petroski.
2. Read the relevant section or chapter where Richard Drew's work with Cellophane is discussed.
3. Look for information about the immediate cause that led to Richard Drew's involvement with Cellophane.
4. Analyze the information and identify the specific cause mentioned in the book.
5. Use that information to answer the quiz question accurately.

Please note that I am unable to provide specific answers for the rest of the quizzes without more information about the questions. To find the answers to the rest of the quizzes, you will need to follow the same process of studying the relevant material and identifying the correct answers based on the information provided.