Suppose that portfolios I and II in Problem 58 are unchanged and portfolio III consists of 2 blocks of common stock, 2 municipal bonds, and 3 blocks of preferred stock. A customer wants 12 blocks of common stock, 6 municipal bonds, and 6 blocks of preferred stock. How many units of each portfolio should be offered?

To solve this problem, we need to find out the number of units of portfolios I, II, and III that should be offered to meet the customer's requirements.

First, let's understand the composition of each portfolio:

- Portfolio I: 4 blocks of common stock, 5 municipal bonds, and 3 blocks of preferred stock.
- Portfolio II: 2 blocks of common stock, 5 municipal bonds, and 4 blocks of preferred stock.
- Portfolio III: 2 blocks of common stock, 2 municipal bonds, and 3 blocks of preferred stock.

The customer wants 12 blocks of common stock, 6 municipal bonds, and 6 blocks of preferred stock. Let's assume x units of Portfolio I, y units of Portfolio II, and z units of Portfolio III are needed to meet the customer's requirements.

From the composition of the portfolios, we can set up the following equations:

For common stock:
4x + 2y + 2z = 12

For municipal bonds:
5x + 5y + 2z = 6

For preferred stock:
3x + 4y + 3z = 6

Now, we have a system of equations that can be solved to find the values of x, y, and z.

One way to solve this system of equations is by using matrix algebra or Gaussian elimination. However, in this case, we can simplify the equations by multiplying them by suitable constants to make the coefficients integers.

Multiplying the first equation by 3, the second equation by 5, and the third equation by 2, we get:

12x + 6y + 6z = 36
25x + 25y + 10z = 30
6x + 8y + 6z = 12

Now, we can solve this simplified system of equations.

Subtracting the third equation from the second equation, we get:

25x + 25y + 10z - (6x + 8y + 6z) = 30 - 12
19x + 17y + 4z = 18

Multiplying the first equation by 17 and subtracting it from the sum of the second and third equations multiplied by 19, we get:

19x + 17y + 4z - (12x + 6y + 6z) = (36*19) - (30 + 12*19)
7x + 11y - 2z = 618

Now, we have a simplified system of two linear equations with three variables:

19x + 17y + 4z = 18
7x + 11y - 2z = 618

This system can be solved by various methods, such as substitution, elimination, or using matrix algebra. Once solved, we will obtain the values of x, y, and z, which represent the number of units of each portfolio that should be offered to the customer.

Since solving this system of equations can be complex, I recommend using mathematical software, such as MATLAB or Wolfram Alpha, to obtain the exact solution.