Yes, She Can!

Nina Sprouse

Imagine a short young woman climbing up a ladder, and stringing computer cabling throughout the ceiling to connect to a router. Imagine she is carrying large desktop computers, even servers, from room to room. Can you see her having to stand on a chair to reach the top of a server rack?

That woman in all of these descriptions is me. These are all scenes from the work I used to do as an Instructional Technology Specialist for a public school system. Stringing wiring is easy, building a computer is a little more difficult. Yes, I would take a case, and assemble all the parts by hand. I installed all the software, too. If someone had a problem with any hardware or software, I was the sole supporter of the Help Desk.

Many times individuals would laugh at me when I shared my occupation. Sometimes people would give me funny looks when I went to technology-related conferences. Most people think of men as being network administrators, not women. There are lots of people trying to change that. I am happy to be one of them.

You know what? The computer network I installed is still functioning over a decade later. During my time working in technology, I went on to earn the respect of countless individuals in the field and I loved my work.

Remember, no matter what it is you want to do, whether computer science, technology, math, or anything else, don’t be afraid; follow your heart. No matter who you are, you can do it!

Thank you for sharing your story, Nina Sprouse! Your experiences as an Instructional Technology Specialist highlight the importance of breaking gender stereotypes and pursuing one's passions regardless of societal expectations.

To answer your statement "Yes, She Can!" - absolutely! Women can excel in any field, including computer science, technology, and math. The key is to follow your passion and not be afraid to pursue your interests and goals.

If someone is interested in getting into the field of technology or computer science, here are a few steps they can take:

1. Start with the basics: Begin by gaining a solid foundation in computer science or technology. This can be done through formal education, such as a degree program, or by taking online courses, attending workshops, or participating in coding bootcamps.

2. Practice coding: Familiarize yourself with programming languages like Python, Java, or C++. Practicing coding regularly helps develop problem-solving skills and builds your technical abilities.

3. Engage with the tech community: Join online forums, attend meetups, and participate in technology-related events to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from experienced professionals in the field. Networking can provide valuable opportunities for mentorship and collaboration.

4. Gain hands-on experience: Look for internships or entry-level positions in tech companies to gain practical experience and apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. Hands-on experience is crucial for building confidence and sharpening technical skills.

5. Continually learn and evolve: The technology field is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay updated with the latest trends and developments. This can be done by reading industry blogs, following tech news websites, and exploring new tools and technologies.

Remember, success in any field requires determination, perseverance, and a willingness to overcome challenges. Don't be discouraged by any stereotypes or expectations that may exist. Your passion and determination can break barriers and pave the way for a successful career in technology.