Gentlemen of the trustees- with profound satisfaction, on behalf of the city of Brooklyn, I accept the completed bridge. Fourteen times the Earth has made it's great march through the heavens since the work began. The vicissitudes of fourteen years have tried the courage and faith of engineers and of people.

Low's style is:
A, Formal, he uses complex words that are appropriate for the ceremony, and his purpose is to inform the audience
B, Formal, he uses academic language because his purpose is to teach scientific facts behind the building of the bridge
C, Informal, he uses casual language to persuade the audience
D, Informal, he uses humorous language, and his purpose is to entertain the audience.
I think that it is A, but I think it could also be B. Please help...

Does anyone know the answer? I am stumped. I've been on the test for over 20 minutes.

Agree with A.



The answers for edge 2021 are


ye i think its A also

Based on the given information, it is most likely that the correct answer is A, Formal, he uses complex words that are appropriate for the ceremony, and his purpose is to inform the audience.

The text mentions the speech being delivered by a person on behalf of the city of Brooklyn to the "gentlemen of the trustees." This indicates a formal setting and audience. Furthermore, the language used in the speech seems appropriate for a formal occasion, as described by phrases like "profound satisfaction," "vicissitudes of fourteen years," and "tried the courage and faith of engineers and of people." These complex and formal phrases suggest that the speaker aims to convey the significance of the completed bridge and inform the audience about the challenges faced during its construction.

Option B, which suggests the use of academic language to teach scientific facts, is less likely because the style of speech appears to focus more on the ceremony and significance of the bridge rather than providing detailed technical information.

Therefore, the best answer is A, Formal, he uses complex words that are appropriate for the ceremony, and his purpose is to inform the audience.