Which of the number devil's statements from The Number Devil best reveals that the author's purpose is to inform?

A. "I am the number devil!"
B. "It would be a waste of time."
C. "There's an infinite number of numbers."
D. "And I never need a notebook or briefcase."

the answer is "c"

To determine which statement from The Number Devil best reveals the author's purpose to inform, we need to understand the context and the characteristics of an informative statement.

The statement "I am the number devil!" (option A) does not directly convey any information or provide any specific knowledge about numbers. Therefore, it is not the best choice for revealing the author's purpose to inform.

The statement "It would be a waste of time" (option B) does not provide information either, but rather expresses the author's opinion or perspective on something. It does not contribute to informing the reader about numbers.

The statement "And I never need a notebook or briefcase" (option D) does not inform the reader about numbers but rather emphasizes the number devil's characteristics. While it may provide some context or insight into the character, it does not convey specific information about numbers themselves.

However, the statement "There's an infinite number of numbers" (option C) is the most informative among the given choices. This statement not only introduces the concept of infinity but also provides specific information about the nature of numbers. It directly informs the reader about a fundamental property of numbers, contributing to the overall purpose of informing.

Therefore, the best choice that reveals the author's purpose to inform is option C: "There's an infinite number of numbers."