Which revision provides the best clarity for the reader?

Sneakers typically force runners to land on their heels, sending shocks throughout the [body. While making] minimal use of the spring-like arch and large tendons of the foot.
G. body; while making
H. body, while making
J. body--while making

To determine the best revision for clarity, let's look at the options and evaluate them:

F. NO CHANGE - This option keeps the original phrasing.

G. body; while making - This revision adds a semicolon between "body" and "while making." A semicolon is used to connect two closely related independent clauses. In this case, it creates a clearer separation between the two ideas being discussed.

H. body, while making - This revision replaces the comma with a comma. A comma is typically used to separate two clauses or ideas. However, in this case, "while making" is not an independent clause, so a comma wouldn't be appropriate.

J. body--while making - This revision replaces the comma with an em dash. An em dash is used to set off a phrase or clause within a sentence for added emphasis or clarification. In this case, it helps to draw attention to the phrase "while making," providing clarity.

Considering the options, the revision that provides the best clarity for the reader is option J. body--while making. The em dash clearly separates the phrase "while making" without altering the intended meaning of the sentence.