Describe three ways in which Stone Age humans adapted to their environment during the last ice age. Please respond with an answer! It is also not a multiple-choice question, so don't ask,

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Stone Age humans adapted to their environment during the last ice age in several ways:

1. Shelter: One way Stone Age humans adapted was by building shelters to protect themselves from the harsh elements. They utilized natural resources such as caves, rock shelters, and animal hides to create a barrier between themselves and the cold climate. By finding or constructing suitable shelters, they were able to stay warm and survive in the challenging conditions.

2. Clothing: Another way Stone Age humans adapted to the ice age was by developing appropriate clothing. They used animal skins and furs to create warm garments, which provided insulation and helped them retain body heat. This allowed them to withstand the freezing temperatures and protect their bodies from frostbite and hypothermia.

3. Hunting and Gathering: Stone Age humans adapted their subsistence strategies to cope with the environmental changes during the ice age. They relied heavily on hunting large game animals like mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, and reindeer, which provided them with both food and materials for clothing and shelter. At the same time, they also gathered plant food, such as nuts, berries, and roots, which supplemented their diet. This balanced approach to hunting and gathering ensured their survival as they adapted their food sources to the changing availability of resources during the ice age.

To summarize, Stone Age humans adapted to the last ice age through the construction of shelters, the development of appropriate clothing, and the cultivation of hunting and gathering techniques to secure food and resources.