1. Which word is abstract?

A. garden
B. friendship*
C. airplane
D. sunshine
2. Symbolism is the use of a symbol to
A. describe a character.
B. represent an abstract idea.
C. represent a concrete thing.
D. compare two different things.*
3. How is the chess game symbolic in Through The Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll?
A. It is how Alice becomes a Queen.
B. It is how Alice meets the White Knight.*
C. It represents a child’s growth into adulthood.
D. It represents the dangers of leaving home.
4. Read the excerpt from Through The Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

“Ridiculous!” cried the Queen. “Why, don’t you see, child—” here she broke off with a frown, and, after thinking for a minute, suddenly changed the subject of the conversation. “What do you mean by "If you really are a Queen"? What right have you to call yourself so? You can’t be a Queen, you know, till you’ve passed the proper examination. And the sooner we begin it, the better.”
What symbolic meaning can be drawn from the excerpt?
A. The Red Queen knows what is best for Alice.*
B. Alice is trying to grow up too quickly.
C. Alice is cheating in the chess game.
D. The Red Queen wants to become a child.
5. Read the excerpt from Through The Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

It didn’t sound a comfortable plan, Alice thought, and for a few minutes she walked on in silence, puzzling over the idea, and every now and then stopping to help the poor Knight, who certainly was NOT a good rider.

Whenever the horse stopped (which it did very often), he fell off in front; and whenever it went on again (which it generally did rather suddenly), he fell off behind. Otherwise he kept on pretty well, except that he had a habit of now and then falling off sideways; and as he generally did this on the side on which Alice was walking, she soon found that it was the best plan not to walk QUITE close to the horse.
The author, Lewis Carroll, uses characters such as the Knight to symbolize himself. Which statement best describes how Carroll uses the characters as symbols of his life in the excerpt?
A. Lewis Carroll is making fun of the real Alice.
B. Lewis Carroll is making fun of himself.
C. Lewis Carroll is describing his talents.*
D. Lewis Carroll is showing how serious he is.
6. Read the excerpt from Through The Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

Of all the strange things that Alice saw in her journey Through The Looking-Glass, this was the one that she always remembered most clearly. Years afterwards she could bring the whole scene back again, as if it had been only yesterday—the mild blue eyes and kindly smile of the Knight—the setting sun gleaming through his hair, and shining on his armour in a blaze of light that quite dazzled her—the horse quietly moving about, with the reins hanging loose on his neck, cropping the grass at her feet—and the black shadows of the forest behind—all this she took in like a picture, as, with one hand shading her eyes, she leant against a tree, watching the strange pair, and listening, in a half dream, to the melancholy music of the song.
How does the excerpt symbolize the life of the author, Lewis Carroll?
A. It shows that the real Alice and the White Knight have physical similarities.
B. It shows that the real Alice and Lewis Carroll had a special relationship.*
C. It shows that the real Alice did not pay any attention to Lewis Carroll.
D. It shows that Lewis Carroll had a horse that was very important to him.
*= I think that's the answer

smart kid is wrong





i got 100 on edg



these are correct ∩﹏∩ . and why would i lie? if the answers are NOT correct u have the right to virtual slap me.(︶^︶)

1. yes

2. disagree
3, a symbol should represent something.
4. inclined to agree
5. "to symbolize himself" I think he is making fun of himself.
6. agree

Smart kid is correct, I can 100% reassure ya'll. But don't just search these up for answers, try to find them yourself.

rando is right besides the last one its b

