which of the following is a path for transportation built by a private company that charges users a fee or toll?

A) locomotive
B) Railroad
C) turnpike
D) waterway

Google turnpike history

i think its railroad

for example:


so its turnpike

Hey, I said look it up so you will know why the TURNstile is in TURNpike :)

Another word for a TOLLgate

The correct answer is C) turnpike.

A turnpike is a path for transportation built by a private company that charges users a fee or toll. To determine the correct answer, you can use the process of elimination by reviewing the definitions of each option and identifying the one that fits the given description.
- A locomotive is a train powered by steam, diesel, or electricity, and it is not built by a private company charging a fee or toll.
- A railroad is a permanent track made of metal rails on which trains run, and it is not necessarily built by a private company charging a fee or toll.
- A waterway refers to a body of water used for transportation, like rivers or canals, and it does not involve a toll or fee system.
- A turnpike is a road or highway that is privately built and maintained, usually with a toll system in place to collect fees from users for its use.