The table gives the lowest temperatures ever recorded in five U.S. cities. Use this table to answer each question.

Lowest Recorded Temperatures
Honolulu, HI Huron, SD Mobile, AL Norfolk, VA St. Louis, MO
53 -41 3 -3 -18
What is the difference between the greatest temperature listed and the least temperature listed?

How much greater was Norfolk’s lowest temperature than St. Louis’s lowest temperature?


94 is correct

but -3 is 15 more than -18, not -15
That is, -3 - (-18) = -3+18 = +15
Norfolk was 15 degrees greater than St Louis.

a. 53-(-41) = 53+41 = 94deg

To calculate the difference between the greatest and least temperatures listed, we need to find the maximum and minimum temperatures given in the table.

To get the answer, follow these steps:

1. Identify the greatest temperature: In this case, the greatest temperature is 53°F (Honolulu, HI).
2. Identify the least temperature: In this case, the least temperature is -41°F (Huron, SD).
3. Calculate the difference: To find the difference, subtract the least temperature from the greatest temperature: 53°F - (-41°F) = 94°F.

Therefore, the difference between the greatest and least temperatures listed is 94°F.

Now, let's determine how much greater Norfolk's lowest temperature was compared to St. Louis's lowest temperature.

To get the answer, follow these steps:

1. Identify Norfolk's lowest temperature: In this case, Norfolk's lowest temperature is -3°F.
2. Identify St. Louis's lowest temperature: In this case, St. Louis's lowest temperature is -18°F.
3. Calculate the difference: To find the difference, subtract St. Louis's lowest temperature from Norfolk's lowest temperature: -3°F - (-18°F) = 15°F.

Therefore, Norfolk's lowest temperature was 15°F greater than St. Louis's lowest temperature.

i think its 94 & -15??????????

idk what it is