A presenter wants to explain the relationship between the number of sales in a company from one city to the next. Which medium should the presenter use to present the data?(1 point)

a combination of audio and video



traditional text

I choose video

Well, if the presenter wants to spice things up and add a touch of entertainment, I suggest going with a combination of audio and video. That way, they can visually represent the data with eye-catching visuals and use their charming orator skills to explain the relationship between sales numbers. It's like a show for the brain!

To present the relationship between the number of sales in a company from one city to the next, the presenter should consider using a medium that can effectively convey information visually and audibly. This will help the audience understand the data better. Therefore, the best option would be to use a combination of audio and video. This allows the presenter to include visual charts, graphs, and images, along with spoken explanations, to present the data in a more engaging and informative way.

To determine the best medium for presenting the relationship between the number of sales in a company from one city to the next, we need to consider the nature of the data and the audience preferences. Each medium has its own strengths and weaknesses.

1. A combination of audio and video: This medium allows for visual representation of the data along with spoken explanations. It can be effective in capturing and maintaining audience attention, as well as conveying complex information. However, creating video content may require additional resources and skills.

2. Video: Video presentations provide a visual representation of the data, including charts, graphs, and animations. This medium allows for engaging storytelling and can effectively communicate patterns, trends, and comparisons. Videos can also be shared easily online, making them accessible to a wide audience.

3. Audio: An audio presentation involves conveying information through spoken words only, without the use of visual aids. While it may not provide visual representation of the data, it can still be effective if the audience prefers to listen rather than watch or read. However, it may be challenging to convey complex data and visual elements without support from visual media.

4. Traditional text: Text-based presentations rely solely on written information, such as reports or bullet-pointed slides. This medium can be effective for conveying precise data and detailed analysis. However, it may not be as engaging or visually appealing as other mediums, and it may require additional effort to make the content compelling.

Consider the audience's preferences, the complexity of the data, and the desired level of engagement to make an informed decision on which medium is best suited for presenting the relationship between the number of sales in a company from one city to the next.