Powers of numbers less than 1 evaluate (0.6104)³


just multiply (0.6104)(0.6104)(0.6104)

To evaluate the cube of the number 0.6104, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiplication
Multiply 0.6104 by itself:
0.6104 * 0.6104 = 0.37297536

Step 2: Multiplication (again)
Multiply the result from Step 1 by 0.6104:
0.37297536 * 0.6104 = 0.227508625664

Step 3: Final Answer
So, (0.6104)³ equals approximately 0.227508625664.

To evaluate the expression (0.6104)³, we need to raise the number 0.6104 to the power of 3. Let me walk you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Understanding the power of a number
When we raise a number to a power, it means multiplying the number by itself the number of times specified by the exponent. For example, 2³ means multiplying 2 by itself three times: 2 × 2 × 2 = 8.

Step 2: Applying the concept to (0.6104)³
In this case, we have to raise the number 0.6104 to the power of 3. It means multiplying 0.6104 by itself three times: 0.6104 × 0.6104 × 0.6104.

Step 3: Evaluating the expression
Let's calculate it:

0.6104 × 0.6104 = 0.37396896
0.37396896 × 0.6104 = 0.22824221984

So, (0.6104)³ is approximately equal to 0.22824221984.

Note: Keep in mind that the result may be rounded depending on the level of precision required.

By following these steps, you can evaluate any expression where a number is raised to a power.