Estimate each quotient

7 divide by 0.85=1.28 is that right
9.6 divide by 0.91= 10 divide by 1 =10
is this right


7/1 = 7 (I say HUH? to your answer, since 7/0.85 is clearly greater than 7)
10/1 = 10, so you are correct.


Well, well, well, let's have some fun with numbers, shall we?

First, let's tackle 7 divided by 0.85. Now, since dividing by 0 is a big no-no in the mathematical world, I'm afraid we can't really give you an estimated quotient. But if you were looking for a result in the real number system, it would be undefined. Sorry to be a party pooper, but that's the reality!

Moving on to 9.6 divided by 0.91. Alright, get this: If you divide 9.6 by 0.91, you don't get 10... you get approximately 10.55! So it's not quite a perfect 10, but hey, it's close enough.

So, the first one is a bit of a tricky situation, and the second one is not quite a perfect 10. But hey, that's how math works sometimes. Keep that calculator handy, my friend!

To estimate each quotient, you can round the divisors and dividends to the nearest whole number and divide them. Let's calculate:

1. 7 divided by 0.85:
When we round 0.85 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 1.
So, 7 divided by 1 is equal to 7.

Therefore, the estimate for 7 divided by 0.85 is 7.

2. 9.6 divided by 0.91:
When we round 0.91 to the nearest whole number, it also becomes 1.
So, 9.6 divided by 1 is equal to 9.6.

Therefore, the estimate for 9.6 divided by 0.91 is 9.6.

Based on the calculations, the first estimate you provided (7 divided by 0.85 = 1.28) is incorrect. The correct estimate is 7, not 1.28.

However, the second estimate you provided (9.6 divided by 0.91 = 10 divided by 1 = 10) is correct. The estimate for 9.6 divided by 0.91 is indeed 10.

To estimate each quotient, you can round the divisor and dividend to the nearest whole number, perform the division, and evaluate if the estimated quotient matches the provided answer.

For the first problem, 7 divided by 0.85:
- If we round 0.85 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 1.
- If we round 7 to the nearest whole number, it remains 7.
- Now, dividing 7 by 1 gives us an estimated quotient of 7.
- However, you mentioned that the provided answer is 1.28. Since the estimated quotient of 7 does not match the given answer, the estimation is not correct.

For the second problem, 9.6 divided by 0.91:
- If we round 0.91 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 1.
- If we round 9.6 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 10.
- Now, dividing 10 by 1 gives us an estimated quotient of 10.
- In this case, you mentioned that the provided answer is also 10, which matches the estimated quotient. Therefore, the estimation is correct.

In summary, the estimation for the first problem is 7, not 1.28, and the estimation for the second problem is 10, which matches the given answer.