What does it mean for ideas to have cohesion? (1 point)

They are from sources that are up to date.

They are related and stick together.

They make sense logically.

They are supported by evidence.

Which word or phrase can be used to emphasize an important point?(1 point)


even though

one reason


Use the sentences to answer the question.

A beagle makes the best pet for a family with children. Beagles have lots of energy for playing.

Which phrase could be added to the beginning of the second sentence to create cohesion between the ideas in these sentences?

(1 point)

As a result

For example


One reason is that

Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)
Spring is the best season of the year. One reason is that the temperature is not too hot or too cold. Spring is the best time of year to start a new routine.
, it is much easier to get up and go for a run in the morning if the weather is nice.

1: What does it mean for ideas to have cohesion?

Answer: They are related and stick together.

2:Which word or phrase can be used to emphasize an important point?
Answer: especially

3:Use the sentences to answer the question.
A beagle makes the best pet for a family with children. Beagles have lots of energy for playing.
Which phrase could be added to the beginning of the second sentence to create cohesion between the ideas in these sentences?
Answer: One reason is that

4:For Example

The penny face is correct trust me I just took the quiz

The correct answer is "For example". This phrase is used to introduce additional information or an example that supports the main idea. In this case, it would create cohesion between the ideas by providing a specific reason why spring is the best time of year to start a new routine.

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the one above is correct