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A 10-acre field produced 750 bushels of corn. At that rate, how much corn can be produced from a 14-acre field?

750bushels/10acres * 14acres = 1050 Bushels.

Btw everyone doesn't know everything.

Then why did you search it up unless you’re looking for the answers to so don’t say that to people when people need help

can someone explain this.plz

wow, this was so insightful/helpful

or she just went on here to make fun of people thinking she is cool. so..........

To solve this problem, we need to find the amount of corn that can be produced from a 14-acre field, given that a 10-acre field produced 750 bushels of corn.

To find the amount of corn produced per acre, we divide the total amount of corn by the number of acres.

Corn per acre = Total corn / Number of acres

In this case, given that 10 acres produced 750 bushels of corn, we can find the corn per acre as:

Corn per acre = 750 bushels / 10 acres = 75 bushels per acre

Now that we know the rate of corn production per acre, we can calculate how much corn can be produced from a 14-acre field.

Corn from 14-acre field = Corn per acre * Number of acres

Substituting the values into the equation, we get:

Corn from 14-acre field = 75 bushels per acre * 14 acres = 1050 bushels

Therefore, a 14-acre field can produce 1050 bushels of corn.

Bla Bla if you're in this that means you searched it up therefore you're not smart either so why don't you just shut your mouth.

the answer is you not smart