At a football game, a vender sold a combined total of 138 sodas and hot dogs. The number of sodas sold was two times the number of hot dogs sold. Find the number of sodas and the number of hot dogs sold.


Let's start solving this problem step by step.

Step 1: Assign variables
Let's assume the number of hot dogs sold as 'H' and the number of sodas sold as 'S'.

Step 2: Set up equations based on given information
According to the problem, the number of sodas sold was two times the number of hot dogs sold. Therefore, we can write the equation as:
S = 2H

Step 3: Use the information about the total number of sodas and hot dogs sold
The problem states that the combined total of sodas and hot dogs sold is 138. So, we can write another equation based on this information as:
S + H = 138

Step 4: Solve the system of equations
Now, we can solve the system of equations formed in Step 2 and Step 3 to find the values of 'S' and 'H'.

Substituting the value of S from equation (1) into equation (2), we get:
2H + H = 138
3H = 138
H = 138/3
H = 46

Step 5: Calculate the value of 'S'
Substituting the value of H = 46 into equation (1), we get:
S = 2H = 2(46) = 92

Therefore, the number of hot dogs sold is 46, and the number of sodas sold is 92.

To solve this problem, we can use a system of equations. Let's define the variables:

Let s be the number of sodas sold.
Let h be the number of hot dogs sold.

From the problem, we know that the total number of sodas and hot dogs sold is 138. So, we can put it into an equation:

s + h = 138 ----(Equation 1)

We also know that the number of sodas sold is twice the number of hot dogs sold:

s = 2h ----(Equation 2)

Now we have a system of equations. We can solve this system to find the values of s and h. Here's how:

Substitute Equation 2 into Equation 1:

2h + h = 138
3h = 138
h = 138/3
h = 46

Now we know that the number of hot dogs sold is 46. To find the number of sodas sold, we substitute the value of h into Equation 2:

s = 2h
s = 2 * 46
s = 92

Therefore, the number of sodas sold is 92, and the number of hot dogs sold is 46.

s+d = 138

s = 2d
Now solve using substitution