Based on predicted trends in the periodic table: Order the following in terms of increasing atomic or ionic radius:


To determine the order of increasing atomic or ionic radius for the provided ions, we need to consider their positions in the periodic table. Atomic or ionic radius generally increases as you move down a group, and decreases as you move across a period from left to right.

Let's look at the given ions and their positions in the periodic table:

1. Cd2+ (Cadmium ion): Cadmium is located in Group 12, period 5 of the periodic table.

2. Sn4+ (Tin ion): Tin is located in Group 14, period 5 of the periodic table.

3. Ag+ (Silver ion): Silver is located in Group 11, period 5 of the periodic table.

4. In3+ (Indium ion): Indium is located in Group 13, period 5 of the periodic table.

As we move from left to right in the periodic table, the atomic or ionic radius generally decreases due to the increasing effective nuclear charge. However, when moving down a group, the addition of new energy levels leads to an increase in atomic or ionic radius.

Using this information, we can deduce the following order of increasing atomic or ionic radius for the provided ions:

Ag+ < Cd2+ < In3+ < Sn4+

Thus, the order from smallest to largest atomic or ionic radius is:
Silver ion (Ag+) < Cadmium ion (Cd2+) < Indium ion (In3+) < Tin ion (Sn4+).