Read this sentence form the story. " They were coated with ice; the thick German socks were like sheaths of iron half-way to the knees; and the moccasin strings were like rods of steel all twisted and knotted.... What do the two similes in this sentence show?

The man's feet are stuck in the frozen ground.
The man is too weak to remove his own socks.
The man's socks and laces are made of metal
The man's wet clothes have frozen solid.

Can somebody help me i'm really confused?

Last choice.

The two similes in the sentence ("the thick German socks were like sheaths of iron half-way to the knees" and "the moccasin strings were like rods of steel all twisted and knotted") are used to describe the condition of the man's feet and his clothing. They show that the man's feet are extremely cold and hard to move, indicating that his feet might feel stuck in the frozen ground. The similes also suggest that the man's socks and moccasin strings are so frozen and rigid that they resemble metal. Therefore, the correct answer would be: The man's wet clothes have frozen solid.

Sure, I can help you understand the sentence and figure out what the two similes are showing.

First, let's understand what a simile is. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as." It helps the reader to visualize or understand something by drawing a comparison to something else.

In the given sentence, there are two similes used to describe the state of the man's feet, socks, and moccasin strings.

"They were coated with ice; the thick German socks were like sheaths of iron half-way to the knees; and the moccasin strings were like rods of steel all twisted and knotted."

The first simile is "the thick German socks were like sheaths of iron half-way to the knees." This comparison suggests that the socks are very stiff and rigid, similar to how a sheath made of iron would be. It emphasizes the thickness and heaviness of the socks due to the freezing cold.

The second simile is "the moccasin strings were like rods of steel all twisted and knotted." This comparison implies that the moccasin strings are extremely tight and difficult to untie, as if they were made of strong, inflexible steel. It further emphasizes the freezing conditions that have caused the strings to freeze and become twisted and tangled.

Now, looking at the given options, the similes in this sentence do not suggest that the man's feet are stuck in the frozen ground, that he is too weak to remove his own socks, or that his socks and laces are made of metal. However, the similes do suggest that the man's wet clothes have frozen solid. The descriptions of the socks and the laces as being like sheaths of iron and rods of steel give us an indication that they have become solid and rigid due to the freezing temperatures.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The man's wet clothes have frozen solid.