Which detail helps readers determine that Robert is the protagonist in The Number Devil?

A. He is not fooled by hoaxes.
B. He has very detailed dreams.
C. He is frustrated by his dreams.
D. He does not like to waste time.
This is for thats pretty clear unit test please help

C. He is frustrated by his dreams.

For 6th grade!

surely even a 6th-grader knows this is not math!

To determine which detail helps readers determine that Robert is the protagonist in The Number Devil, we need to analyze the given options:

A. "He is not fooled by hoaxes." - This statement does not provide direct evidence that Robert is the protagonist. It only suggests that he is not easily fooled.

B. "He has very detailed dreams." - This detail suggests that Robert is the protagonist because the story revolves around his dreams and experiences.

C. "He is frustrated by his dreams." - While this detail gives insight into Robert's emotions, it does not specifically indicate that he is the protagonist.

D. "He does not like to waste time." - This detail could be applicable to any character who values efficiency and productivity, and it does not solely indicate that Robert is the protagonist.

Based on the information given, option B, "He has very detailed dreams," is the detail that helps readers determine that Robert is the protagonist in The Number Devil.