what where the headlines after a mad scientist trained two eggs to attack a candy store with sharp sticks

Pg 161-162

What??! First of all, I don't understand what you're asking, or even if you're asking or stating something.

Second of all stating the pages will not help us to help you since we're not looking at the same book as you. What exactly are you trying to find out here?

Sorry I put MC twice by accident


Andrew needs x dollars for a snack. Scott needs 2 dollars than andrew, but nick only needs half as many dollars as andrew. Altogether they need $17 to pay for their snacks. How many dollars does nick need?

Eggsspearamint (eggs spear a mint)

To find the headlines after a mad scientist trained two eggs to attack a candy store with sharp sticks on pages 161-162, you would need to refer to a specific book or publication. Without knowing the specific source, it is not possible for me to provide accurate information on what the headlines would be.

When looking for specific headlines or stories, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the source: Determine the book, newspaper, magazine, or online publication where the article or story might be found.

2. Locate the publication: If the source is a book, find a copy and navigate to the specified pages. If it's a newspaper, magazine, or online publication, visit the website or search for archives that include the date or edition mentioned.

3. Search within the source: Once you're on the correct page or edition, search for headlines related to the mad scientist and the eggs attacking the candy store. Look for bolded or prominent text, section headers, or any indications that suggest the story might be related.

4. Read the headlines: Scan through the headlines on the specified pages to find the relevant one that mentions the mad scientist and the eggs. Take note of any additional information provided.

Remember, without the specific source or context, I cannot provide you with the exact headlines for this particular situation.