language arts 7 A/3.heritage /3.10. Heritage Unit Test

Based on the repetition in "Twelfth Song of Thunder," the voice
A. coming from above is more important than the voice coming from below.
B. coming from below is more important than the voice coming from above.
C. coming from above and the voice coming from below are equally important.
D.coming from above and the voice coming from below are equally unimportant. I also need help on the rest. This is the last thing to do for my todays but I wanna hurry up and get done so I can see my mom!!Pls help me. I have 20 questions

To determine the answer to this question, you need to analyze the repetition in "Twelfth Song of Thunder." Here's how you can approach it:

1. Read and analyze the poem: Read the poem "Twelfth Song of Thunder" carefully, paying attention to recurring words, phrases, or ideas that are repeated. Examine the context and implications of these repetitions.

2. Look for significant repetitions: Identify any repetitions that stand out and may have a specific purpose or meaning within the poem. Repetitions can sometimes indicate themes, emotions, or important ideas.

3. Consider the importance of the voices: Consider the voices in the poem and their significance. Analyze the impact and role of each voice in shaping the overall meaning or message of the poem.

4. Assess the effect of repetition: Determine whether the repetitions strengthen the importance of one voice over the other or establish equality between the voices. Look for clues in the repetitions to understand their effect on the poem's meaning.

Once you have gone through these steps, you should be able to determine the answer to the question.

can someone pls help this is past due

does anybody know all 20 of the answers. If so can someone help daisy please. Ive seen her questions all through hear and nobody helped her.

do u know all 20 of the questions?

Who r u?!?!

have u done this one??