Multiple Choice

Write the inequality for the graph.

A number line is shown from negative 2 to 8 with interval marks representing one unit. An open circle is drawn on 2, and a ray is drawn pointing to the left of 2.

A. x < 2
B. x ≤ 2
C. x > 2
D. x ≥ 2


5.9.6 - Quick Check: Graphing and Writing Inequalities
Course: Math 7 A (CL); 7.20

Help is here is correct for connexus 2021

x < 2


nope i got an f but thats okay! ty for your help.

To determine the correct inequality for the graph, we need to analyze the given information. In this case, we have an open circle on the number 2, and a ray pointing to the left of 2.

The open circle represents that the number 2 is not included in the inequality, which means it should be an "less than" or "greater than" condition.

The ray pointing to the left of 2 indicates that the values should be less than 2.

Therefore, the correct inequality for the graph is:

A. x < 2

thanks. thats correct!!

1. c – 7 < 3

2. c + 7 less than or equal to 3
3. c – 3 > 1
4. b ≥ –2.3
5. x + 15 ≤ 60