1. Distance in space is often written using a light year. A light year is the distance light travels in one year. It is equal to about 6,000,000,000,000 Miles. Write this measurement in scientific notation

My answer was A

2. Jordan Road 4500 in scientific notation as 4.5×10 to the second power . Is this correct? If not, why not? My answer was C

3. Saturns orbit reaches a maximum distance from the sun of 3.36×10 to the 8th power, Miles. Write this figure in standard form
My answer was D


and sorry if you don't believe me and if it's wrong then maybe the answer change :)


1: C
2: C
3: C

Answer are

1. 6 x 10^12
2. The answer is not correct , because the power of ten should be 10^3
3. 936,000,000 miles

It work

HEY HEY HEY totally the right answer (for me at least)

Thank you it is c,c,c! Have a great day everyone 🌞😎! Bye!

its right its c,c,c good job


Plz help

bruh is a 100% right