What is the definition of author's purpose?(1 point)

the author's reason for writing

the author's topic of the writing

the author's attitude about the topic

the author's main idea

1.the author's reason for writing

2.the author's attitude toward the topic
3.by presenting facts to teach their readers about a topic
4.Follow the recommended guidelines of daily caffeine consumption to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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The definition of author's purpose is the author's reason for writing. This can be determined by examining the text and considering what the author is trying to achieve with their writing. To identify the author's purpose, you can look for clues in the text such as the tone, language, and the main message the author is trying to convey. It is important to analyze the overall intent of the author and understand what they want to accomplish through their writing.

that is right

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

Please don't give people the answer, give them hints on what it is. If there is a textbook or lesson on what you guys are learning, give them a page number so they can read what is on there and find the answer.

its incorrect because they are all multiple choice answers here are the real ones guys for connexus 2020 1 is the athours opoinon or point of view 2 is Understand what the author's argument is and Determine how convincing the argument is 3 is Smoking is terrible for your health. and Screen-time is harmful to the brain. 4 is evidence. 5 is We should always hold trick-or-treating on the Saturday after Halloween.