Based on the facts presented in The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: The Stone is Found, the rock slab is called the "Rosetta Stone” because it is named

A. in honor of a famous Egyptian pharaoh.
B. in honor of the mother of Napoleon.
C. after the French army officer who uncovered it.
D. after the town near where it was discovered.

this was not help full at all (o゜▽゜)o☆

i just got a 76.23

Can someone please give the answer so I can check my work?

plese add me i need v buckz plese im name i's Nitri Limit PLESE I NEED V BUCKZ

bruh does say the answer

To find the answer to this question, we need to examine the facts presented in The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: The Stone is Found. Let's go through the options:

A. In honor of a famous Egyptian pharaoh: The passage does not mention any association of the name "Rosetta Stone" with a pharaoh.

B. In honor of the mother of Napoleon: The passage does not mention any association of the name "Rosetta Stone" with Napoleon's mother.

C. After the French army officer who uncovered it: The passage does not explicitly state the reason for the name, but it does mention that a French army officer, Champollion, was involved in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the stone.

D. After the town near where it was discovered: From the given information, it is not clear whether the stone was named after the town near where it was discovered.

Based on the available facts, it seems that the most likely answer is option C. The stone is called the "Rosetta Stone" after the French army officer who uncovered it.

whAts GoIng On hErE?

DS, they where just asking jeez

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