mr. Venn knows that 60% of his students will score no more than 5 points above or below the class average, 75%, on the test.Write an inequality that represents the test scores of 60% of his students?

(75 - 5) ≤ s ≤ (75 + 5)

To represent the test scores of 60% of Mr. Venn's students, we can use an absolute value inequality. Let's denote the class average as "x". Since these students are expected to score no more than 5 points above or below the class average, the absolute difference between their scores and the class average should be less than or equal to 5.

So, the inequality that represents the test scores of 60% of Mr. Venn's students is:

|x - 75%| ≤ 5

To write an inequality that represents the test scores of 60% of Mr. Venn's students, we first need to determine the range of scores that fall within this percentage.

We know that 60% of students will score no more than 5 points above or below the class average, which is represented by the equation:

x - 5 ≤ score ≤ x + 5

Where "x" represents the class average.

Next, we need to find the percentage of students within this range. Since 75% of students fall within this range, it means that 60% is a subset of the 75%.

To find the percentage of students within this range, we multiply 60% by the total percentage, which is 75%. This can be represented mathematically as:

0.6 * 0.75 ≤ score ≤ x + 5

Simplifying the inequality, we get:

0.45 ≤ score ≤ x + 5

Therefore, the inequality that represents the test scores of 60% of Mr. Venn's students is:

0.45 ≤ score ≤ x + 5